Anxiety Workbook with Mandala Coloring
This self-monitory anxiety tracker can help you identify the regular factors of anxiety and find the best way to deal with them. Coloring Mandala reduces anxiety and releases feel-good hormones.
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This self-monitory anxiety tracker can help you identify the regular factors of stress and anxiety in your life and find the best way to deal with them. Each time you feel anxious or stressed, keep track of it in your journal. Keeping a daily anxiety log will enable you to see patterns and common themes. You can track all your symptoms and find solutions. A Mandala coloring shape follows each journal page. Research suggests that coloring complex shapes relaxes the brain, enhances mindfulness, reduces mental stress, and improves sleep. At the same time, the coloring activity helps you process information and improves motor skills and creative problem-solving.
The workbook contains sections to help you track your anxiety symptoms:
- Date, Time, Place
- Source of Anxiety
- Physical Sensations
- Negative Beliefs: About Yourself | About Situation
- What facts Do You Know Are True: About Yourself | About Situation
- Think of a possible balanced view of the situation
- What has Helped Before | What might help now
- One Mandala coloring page, for each day
- A Few Coping Mechanisms
- A proven breathing technique to calm anxiety