About Us

Welcome to Unbounded Brain!
A community website that puts together brain and mind tools and resources, as well as psychology news articles from therapists and researchers around the world.
Here you can find free brain development games, personality quizzes, self-improvement books, ready-to-use mental health trackers, puzzle books, self-care workbooks, planners, and different journals.
Unbounded Brain Community was founded by Monica Laura Rapeanu, a book author, visual artist, and researcher.
She holds an MA degree in humanities and social sciences, and she has been working as a web content manager, contributing writer, journalist, and self-development coach for various institutions and companies in Europe.
Check out our Workbooks, Puzzle books, Self-care Trackers and Journals
Whether you use your pen for planning, mental health tracking, self-care journaling, or puzzling, we’ve got you covered. Check out our self-care workbooks, mindfulness journals, books, planners, and brain-challenging puzzles. Or, you can go on our free Games and Quizzes pages, challenge your brain and keep yourself entertained for hours.